Welcome to my Homepage.
Here are some of my recent projects:
Tarkovsky Selected Interviews, a collection of interviews with the renowned Soviet filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. Editorial, 2023. Beer Labels, selected beer labels for Precarious Beer Project. Illustration, Packaging, 2022–2024.
Spiders Galore brings together some of the more interesting and entertaining user-submitted psychedelic experiences on erowid.org. Editorial, 2024.
Plainview is a humanistic sans serif inspired by typefaces commissioned by Microsoft and fonts designed for legibility such as Adrian Frutiger’s Frutiger. Type design, 2022.
The Skeptical Inquirer critically examines popular UFO conspiracy theories. mirrors the aesthetics of conspiracy theory forums and related publications. Editorial, 2023.
The Drunken Canal was a New York-based print newspaper it was cited as a pushback against the homogenization of social media platforms. Editorial, 2022. 20:59:43, a compilation of screenshots featuring the blatant propaganda featured in soviet successor state’s news broadcasts. Editorial, 2023.
Enay is a non-alcoholic beer, brewed and packaged by Precarious Beer Project. Branding, Packaging, Type design, 2022. Precarious Oktoberfest, logo design and ad campaign for Oktoberfest. Branding, 2023.
Cloister is a revival of Genzsch and Heyse's font Lapidar. Type design, 2022.
Advanced Design is an idependent publishing practice. Web design, 2024.